New Veteran Community Hub to Open
Shaun Brown, Centre Manager, has successfully become a member of The Board of Trustees with Derbyshire Alcohol Advice Service (DAAS CIO).
Shaun is at present the only DAAS Board member who is also a veteran supporting the STAND TO project. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience about the needs of veterans.
Derbyshire Alcohol Advice Service is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that has been providing alcohol support for over 30 years to the residents of Derbyshire. They provide information, guidance, and support for both individuals, family members and loved ones as well as providing STAND TO, their specialist project to support our Ex-Forces Community. DAAS is not a national organisation and is focused and dedicated to providing local services to the people of Derbyshire.
DAAS has been a key partner within the established Derbyshire Recovery Partnership, developed in Derbyshire in 2017 bringing together treatment and recovery for both Drug and Alcohol users within Derbyshire. STAND TO veteran community services (provided as part of DAAS) is aimed at supporting military veterans through the VIP (Veterans Information Point) a one stop shop for veterans seeking information and support.
The service provides advice, support and a sense of camaraderie that is missing for so many veterans in civilian life. The service is provided by Veterans who understand the complex issues, many veterans experience in adjusting to civilian life.
Further details for both services can be found online: